Concrete Works

GGLP Industrial Division prides itself as being one of the most competent and proficient organizations for carrying out all aspects of concrete work scopes. Through the utilization and continual investment in new technologies, such as modular formwork systems, we are able to safely and consistently deliver a quality, cost effective product. By employing innovative techniques and drawing upon our extensive ‘in-house’ experience, we have proven that we are able to meet the most demanding schedules, irrespective of climate or season.


  • Concrete work for all types of footings, foundations, pile caps, grade beams, etc. (including forming, supply and placement of rebar, concrete supply, concrete placement and finishing)
  • Concrete works for both slab on grade and suspended slabs (including forming, supply and placement of rebar, concrete supply, concrete placement and finishing)
  • Concrete works associated with Infrastructure Projects such as concrete support piers, bridge abutments, drainage channels, concrete curbs, concrete gutters, etc. (including forming, supply and placement of rebar, concrete supply, concrete placement and finishing).
  • Accurate Installation of ancillary concrete foundation components such as anchor bolts, void form, steel embedment’s etc.
  • Application of waterproofing or Bituminous Materials
  • Application of sealers, hardeners, epoxy coatings, etc.

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